Expression Of Interest


 The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd    is  a  Government of   Kerala

    undertaking,     engaged in  the  production of Titanium Dioxide  pigment

    through     Chloride    route     technology.    The   Company  is  a    major

    industry       in    Chemicals     and   Minerals    sector     having      annual

    turnover   of     over   Rs.600/- crores.


            In  order    to     match      its      efficiency   to    Global      Standards,

    KMML  seeks    services   of   an   internationally  reputed       Consultant 

    having    expertise    in    Chemical    Engineering/Industrial   Engineering

    sector and   cost   Analysis.  


            Interested  parties  may  submit  their  Expression  of   Interest  with

    relevant documents to the undersigned before 15-04-2012.


                                                                            EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(T)