The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. a flag ship PSU of the Government of Kerala, is involved in mining and separation of mineral sand to manufacture of various grades of Titanium Dioxide Pigment and Titanium Sponge. K.M.M.L employs about 1800 persons out of which 282 are in Executive category. The Company proposes to conduct a professional study for proposing organizational restructuring and comprehensive promotion policy for the executives of the company. Agencies engaged in consultancy work having competence in Human Resource Management area may submit their technical proposal to the company giving clearly their expertise in the field and modality that would be adopted so that company could internally evaluate the proposals and shortlist suitable agencies who would be required to submit their financial proposals for the work as above. Suitable agency will be selected out of the short list and who submit their financial proposals as required.
The proposed study broadly consists of
1. to review and restructure of the organization structure keeping in view of the current business challenges, new direction of the company and market scenario.
2. to review different levels in the company and to align with the required structure including the designations.
3. to review proposed new levels also taking into account the present policies and manpower profile of existing personnel.
4. Present new Organization structure options with positives and negatives
5. to review and design a promotion policy for the executives, building on the current frame work. Qualification and competencies for the positions may be outlined.
6. Road map of the implementation of the structure and promotion policy.
7. Any other aspects related to the study which the agency consider relevant.
General Instructions
1. The consulting agency should have minimum 5 years experience in the field in similar areas in Public Sector Undertaking /Private sector of comparable industries.
2. The profile of the consultants who are involved in the study should be clearly indicated.
3. The time plan for conducting the study should be clearly specified.
4. The approach to the study should be clearly indicated with respect to the different aspects mentioned above.
K.M.M.L reserves the right to accept/reject any application received at its absolute discretion. Agencies who fulfill the requirement as indicated above may submit their expression of interest by clearly furnishing all the details mentioned above in sealed cover super scribing Expression of interest for HR study in order to reach the JGM (P&A) of the company on or before 16-03-2012.